Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saptarshis Was The Founder Of Hinduism

Origins of Hinduism, the world ' s inquiry largest religion with 800 million followers, is a topic of one of the biggest mysteries of World History unbroken today. When confronted with the debate on who founded Hinduism, answers range as follows:

" Relatively little is published about the beginnings of Hinduism or its founders, as it predates recorded history. "

" Hinduism - as I see it - is a coming in sync of distinct doctrines and philosophies. To find out the exact origins of Hinduism is a bit pointless, I think. It is like application - Where did the Ocean Originate "

" Hinduism has no onset - - it precedes recorded history. It has no human founder. It is a mystical religion "

Here is the first terribly look on the founder of Hinduism.

Objective as there has been a huge amount of migration in the last four centuries from all over the world to United States and other North American provinces, there was a time thousands of years ago, when huge and gigantic rivers like Saraswati were wetting Indian state, India was the sophisticated choice of destination for migration. While a lot of places in the world were qt with freeze, the Indian subcontinent, with its mighty rivers and its relatively heated climate, offered the most epitome place for settlements and habitations. Huge number of tribes used to frequently migrate onto the Indian subcontinent in large numbers. Each incoming community had its own tribal deity and the environment became highly polytheistic with every community of few hundred or thousand individuals having its own God. With thousands of deities present all over the place, the essence of religion itself was completely lost. It was necessary to arrest this polytheism and bring some sanity. That ' s when an institution called Saptarshis was formed.

Hinduism originated from the efforts of a well - formed organizational institution headed by Seven Sages, called Saptarshis, who aimed at arresting the excessive polytheism resulting from these migrations. Just as we have Pope for Christianity today, Hinduism, from the beginning, had this institution of seven sages who were mentioned in the Hindu scriptures as the patriarchs of the religion. They used certain scriptures called Vedas to arrest polytheism, and took excessive pains to integrate all these different deities under one hood of a universal religion. They very strictly guarded the Vedic body of knowledge, and the copy of the Vedas available with them was considered to be the final copy.

Any changes to the Vedas were needed to be approved by this elite group of sages. If the reasons were justified, they approved the changes and incorporated them into the Vedas. Otherwise, they rejected it and kept the Vedas intact without any contamination. From what appears, they were extremely strict about changes to the Vedas. Even to this day of Hinduism, a word in Veda is normally considered as the final authority to the literal T. And this faith in Vedas was built upon a tradition where the Vedas were very strictly and jealously guarded from any changes whatsoever, unless the change really justified it. Some super human justification was required to have them changed. Any changes, to the extent possible, were always added as appendages rather than their being incorporated into the Vedas. So we have Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and Upanishads as appendages to the Vedas. As more and more philosophy developed, all of them got incorporated into this body as appendages.

It is this institution of seven sages who founded Hinduism, by expending a large amount of effort over thousands of years in unifying a large number of traditions from across civilizations into one single religion of Hinduism that we see today. The Hindu trinity, the Hindu divine hierarchy, the Hindu festivals, and everything else that we see today were formulated by them. It is they who inserted Purusha Sukta, Narayana Sukta, and Sri Sukta into the Vedas these hymns, which are so important to the religion today, were once not part of Vedas. These hymns were the means by which the integration was done.

The names of the Saptarshis carried over from one generation to the next. For example, if Kasyap dies, his son would take on the name of Kasyap and get inducted into the Saptarshis. Once in a while, for some reason, like one of the seven rishis dying without having any children, the names of the one or more of the rishis changed, giving us a different set of Saptarshis.

The religion got so excessively dependent on these sages that they started being considered as the representatives of the creator on earth. This slowly led to their deification and they started being mythicized. They were declared as the mind born sons of God. Subsequently, they were equated with the most evolved light beings in the creation and the guardians of divine laws. Further deification of their attributes led to the addition of more and more myths and halo around them. This sort of excessive mythicization finally led to the relegation of this institution from the purview of the real world into the realm of mythology, to the extent that they started being regarded as mythical personalities.

This institution got destroyed at the time of the three hundred year severe drought of 2200 BC. At that time, most of the Indians, devastated by the drought, left India for foreign shores, especially to European lands. Because of the severe suffering that people underwent because of the drought, people lost faith in a useless God who did not answer their prayers, leading to the rise of atheistic cults on the subcontinent. The institution of seven sages got destroyed in this religious upheaval and societal turbulence, as a result of which, the origins of Hinduism have once and for all become lost in the dungeons of time, becoming the source of intense mystery to this day.

Saptarshis are the founders of Hinduism. The Seven Sages laid down the Origins of Hinduism.

Progressivism Isn ' t Progress, Salute

Why Progressives Scorn Civic Nation

Progressivism is the little - by - little construction busy by those who want an all - telling efficacious government. Call them statists, collectivists, communists, socialists, or horizontal fascists... the commonalities among these far - single ideologies are much more striking than the differences between them. They hankering big government. And by slowly captivating might of the conjecture - influencing institutions in a society, they " progressively " issue the government while diminishing the governed.

The chat " enterprising " sounds good, due to it makes you think of " progress. " But since it is slowly enchanting America ( and the rest of the world ) away from the erudition of liberty, private property, and limited government upon which the nation was founded ( and which made the United States the greatest mechanism of strength and prosperity for all the world ' s peoples in the history of the human pursuit ), progressivism gladly isn ' t progress.

We ' ve pragmatic how this plays out. Grand experiments in collectivism have been tried and and also in the world ' s history, and every time, they ' ve conclusively failed to indulge societies with on target benediction. They ' ve all ended up on the " ash - stack of history, " as Ronald Reagan most noted. From the " Public Socialism " practiced in Hitler ' s Germany, to the failed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, to the oppressive - disconsolate spurt toward socialism currently being tried in Europe... collective " Utopian " societies shrink the capacity of the mortals while controlling daily life through a huge, all - competent government. And, eventually, they always extirpate themselves.

Take the Soviet experiment, since it ' s a recent and animated example. Anyone below 40 today would matchless have a vista of the Soviet experiment based on " history, " which ( since statists now strings the schools and colleges ) would be tough to rely upon for an dispassionate balance. Thirty years ago, as the Reagan administration was just entering its second year, the " cold war " between the world ' s two super - powers ( the U. S. and the U. S. S. R. ) was at or near its apex. Both nations had hundreds of nuclear missiles pointed at each other. Fear gripped the world. Most thought there would never be a way " out " of the stalemate. ( Remember, after the second drink, how we all talked about " what I ' ll do when they drop the big one "...? ) Most claimed the Soviets had to be appeased and their communist system allowed not only to flourish, but even to grow, as Soviet " hawks " showed a great willingness to use military force to try to expand their territory - of - influence. The only impediment to Soviet expansion was the American Department of Defense - and the American peoples ' willingness to employ it.

Reagan had a simple view of the Cold War, though: " We win, they lose. " He and his brilliant advisors actually figured they could win the Cold War ( called " cold, " kids, because nobody actually fired a shot... but as correctly called " war " because the world was far from peaceful ), and they did it by out - spending the Soviets. By 1988, as Reagan ' s presidency was ending, the Soviets began to realize they simply could not keep up with the U. S. in an arms race... and a year later, symbolized by the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Cold War and the Soviet experiment were over.

It ' s not hard to find historical documentation of those events. But what you might not know if you didn ' t live as an adult during that time was that the American military was not the only aspect of our free society with which the Soviets seemed to feel they could never compete. If you ' re younger, learn from someone who was an adult during the 1970s and 1980s: the Soviet Union had completely segregated itself from the rest of the world. If you were a Soviet citizen, you weren ' t allowed to simply relocate to a " free " country like the U. S. - or any other. It might be easy to think the Berlin Wall ( and other Soviet border walls ) were intended to keep enemies out... on the contrary, the Soviets needed strong borders to keep their own people IN. To attempt to relocate was known as " defecting " - as though to want to leave Mother Russia was the sign of a personal defect - and when you defected, you had to " seek asylum " in a free country, most notably the United States. These might be terms you never hear these days; but to those of us who experienced the full effect of the Cold War, they ' re all - too - familiar.

Why? Because life was much easier, and more prosperous, and more safe, here in " The West. " The Soviets sent Olympic teams to other countries when they had to, but they weren ' t wild about letting their best athletes get a taste of life in the free world. Not surprisingly, many Soviet Olympians defected.

A world economic system was established after World War II, and America ' s free - market capitalism has driven the great growth of prosperity in that system since then. But the Soviets - and, later, the " Red " Chinese - weren ' t part of it. They stayed out. They built walls, used their own un - traded currencies, and tried to make the collectivist experiment work. Since the end of the Soviet experiment in 1989, Russia and its satellite states have struggled mightily to re - integrate into the world system... and tales of the rampant ravages of organized crime there have been profligate. But they couldn ' t both have their grand statist experiment and grow up with the rest of the world, economically speaking. They chose the former. And they stayed walled - away because they knew their system couldn ' t compete with freedom and prosperity, American style. Neither militarily, nor economically.

Today, those of us who saw how one - sided the competition was all those years ago tend to shake our heads in awe that there are so many ( though still relatively few ) who think we should repeat the experiment here in America. When we see " Occupiers " hold up signs that say " Death to Capitalism, " it ' s nearly unbelievable. But when we realize the motivations of the puppet - masters behind these " movements, " things make more sense. There will always be those who want to control everybody else... and they have new hope in a nation which seems to have forgotten the lessons of the Cold War and our long struggle against " the aggressive impulses of an evil empire " ( again, Reagan ).

As I ' ve said before, the only way you wrest freedom and prosperity from Americans is to get them to willingly hand it over. It takes generations to overrun the influential institutions, to let the Soviet example fade into the darker corners of history ' s ash - heap, and to grow the government and its debt to the point that Americans who otherwise would be excited to start a business would buy the victim - mentality notion that things could and should be more " fair " - and that only a big, powerful government can equitably redistribute society ' s resources to make it so.

That ' s called progressivism.

These days, the progressives need to get you thinking about an end to national sovereignty, especially in America. As long as there is a free - market engine of strength and prosperity in the world, with a limited government " guaranteed " by its Constitution, the progressives won ' t have the control they seek. You hear a lot about " one - world government " from progressives, and their Occupying puppets. That ' s because, this time, the statists don ' t want something better on the other side of a wall. They don ' t want to suffer by comparison. Twenty years from now, when you ' re desperate to escape " Utopia " and get to some place where you ' re free to work hard for an " unfair " advantage, they don ' t want you to have any place to which you could so defect.

Call it what you will... progressivism isn ' t progress.

by Michael D. Hume, M. S.

Review - censored 2009

Censored 2009: The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007 - 2008, Peter Phillips et al ( ed. ), 2008, ISBN 9781583228524

Here is another compendium of message stories that were unbefitting - reported ( or un - reported ) by the mainstream news media.

Did you know that over 20, 000 private companies are working with the FBI to collect and cater information on other Americans? According to a prestigious British polling shooting match, the civilian death charge in Iraq since the 2003 invasion has topped the 1 million mark. The US Treasury Department now has the authority to seize the assets of anyone who is perceived to, now or indirectly, threaten US operations in the Middle East ( which could niggard halfway anyone ). The American Psychological Association has been complicit in CIA torture. The No Child Left Behind Act has become a huge bonanza in the world of corporate profiteering.

At least nine billion dollars in cash have been unaccounted for since the early days of the Iraq occupation. Today, there are 27 million slaves in the world, more than at any other time in world history. They are not just in the Third World, but also in the developed world. Elliot Spitzer was not removed from office because of " personal indiscretions. " He was target of a Wall Street and White House operation to silence an increasingly vocal critic of their handling of what became the present financial crisis.

It seems that there just was not enough air time or newspaper space for these stories, but there was abundant space for Lindsay Lohan, Brad and Angelina, Jessica Simpson, Alec Baldwin and David Hasselhoff. This book also explores the media coverage of the Military Commissions Act, healthcare and the 2008 campaign, American media bias against the lawfully elected Hamas Government in Gaza, the marketing of Gardasil as a " cure " for cancer, when it really isnt, Winter Soldier and the Pentagons targeting of young people ( including children ).

This is an excellent book that shows just how " dumbed down " American news media has become. It is eye - opening reading and is highly recommended.

Serta A History of the World ' s Most Trusted Mattress

The story of the mattress is a long and mainly wearisome one. Sleep historians ( yes, there are homologous tribe ) tell us that primitive mattresses were introduced ultimately during the Neolithic Term ( 6500 - 2900 BC ). Beds came along first off alongside and helped their owners avoid drafts by raising mattresses off the ground. These early beds could not have been all that stinking rich, as they were husky with undocked materials like leaves, grass, and pasturage, which provided little to no underpinning.

Things weren ' t much better for the Ancient Egyptians, who slept on palm boughs stacked in the corner of their lodgings. Plain the Romans slept on rough bags packed with fodder, reeds, or wool. If they were extremely wealthy, they might be able to bring a mattress filled with freshly picked feathers.

Have it or not, sleep technology did not improve significantly until absolutely recently. As late as the 19th century, most humans were still resting their sleepy bodies ' on beds substantial with feed, down, cotton or wool.

A reinforcement that we would recognize as modern did not arrive until the late 19th century, when the box - spring was invented. Not only did it give sleepers more support and help them distribute their weight, it also extended the life of new mattress.

The Serta Difference

Though the above was but a brief review of the history of the mattress, it is clear that sleep technology has left a lot to be desired throughout the ages. One company that has committed itself to mattress innovation since its inception is Serta.

Founded in 1931, the company was originally an assembly of independent mattress makers, most of which were from the Philadelphia area. These manufacturers joined forced because they believed the future of the industry would be run by national, not regional brands. Two years later, they created a company with a single name - Serta - and streamlined production with a rigid set of guidelines and standards.

Although it was a new brand, Serta didn ' t exactly start from scratch. Before its owners even agreed on a name, they developed a product that has come to define them to this day. The Serta Perfect Sleeper has been American ' s best - selling mattress for most of its history. That ' s almost eight decades of dominance! But more important than the sales, the success of the Perfect Sleeper underscored the need to invest in new technologies, which Serta has done dutifully throughout its history. Let us take a moment to review a few of their most impressive and successful innovations.


Before it even opened for business, the company developed the world ' s first tuft less innerspring mattress, which had no buttons, valleys, or tufts. It was considered by its developers to be the most comfortable mattress on earth. The public agreed. The Serta Perfect Sleeper is the most popular mattress in the United States.


Even during the Great Depression and then through the war years, Serta continued to expand. Since common bedding materials were needed by the military, the company used substitutes to produce their new 4 - A Perfect Sleeper.


Though there was a trend toward softer mattresses, Serta resisted conventional wisdom and released a series of firmer beds. These firmer beds were a success.


When public and expert opinion went in the opposite direction a few years later, Serta again refused to conform and released their Pillow Soft mattress. Once again, it was a success.


In a bold move, even for Serta, the company developed a mattress that featured memory foam, a material that was invented by NASA for space travel.


Heartened by the success of the earlier model, Serta unveiled the Comfort Quilt, a bed with memory foam in the quilt of the mattress.


The company showed no signs of slowing down in the new millennium. Serta introduced their FreeFlex Innerspring, which was said to provide 63 percent more support to those that need it. It was sold as the most advanced innerspring mattress on earth because, much like memory foam, the FreeFlex can adjust to the contours of its user ' s body.


An idea that was well overdue for the industry, Serta introduced the first flame - retardant mattress sold by a national brand.


Wanting to offer commercial quality beds at residential prices, Serta introduced their new Trump Home collection of innerspring and memory foam beds.


The Perfect Sleeper became the official mattress of the National Sleep Foundation after they redesigned their classic mattress with advice from the independent non - profit organization.


Increased investments in new materials bear fruit, as Serta launches their iComfort Sleep System, which provides greater support and a slightly cooler sleep surface than regular memory foam.

Serta mattresses can be found at most bed and mattress stores, and from reliable sellers on the internet.

Planning Your European Explorations

Europe is one of the most interesting destinations in the world as it is packed with dozens of noteworthy cities and landmarks. Indeed, many of the most famous places in the world can be create in this relatively paltry stretch of land. Climactically for many it is fully far away and it is certainly enticing to trial and visit it all at once - if you hang around to do strict that you will need to ensure you picture your trip right.

Europe is an remarkably convenient place to visit with high - speed trains and world class airports at every turn. Yet it is still a reasonably big place and if you want to see it all you will be best served planning your itinerary carefully. The best method is to book a return flight to a major destination and then start a grand loop which will take you back there weeks later. This way you won ' t need to cover ground twice - good starting points are Frankfurt, Berlin and Paris.

Perhaps the hardest thing about visiting Europe is the sheer amount of great things to see and do. With millennia of history and culture you will have trouble moving along at a sufficient pace - there is simply too much there. You thus need to be a bit brutal and cut out some sights: you may want to visit Heidelberg but if it is off your route it will have to be missed. Similarly you may need to leave whole countries aside in the interest of time and money.

Finally, you need to decide how much time and money you are willing to dedicate to this trip. These two decisions will influence everything you do - if you have all the time in the world you can take in everything, stopping at small towns and going for extended hikes into the countryside. On the other hand if you need to dash back home soon you are probably best served confining yourself to the great capitals like Berlin, Paris, London and Rome.

Europe is one of the best places in the world to visit, and you absolutely must come here once in your life. So book a cheap flight to Germany or France and then embark on a grand, circular tour. You will get to see so many amazing things as well as important places that have shaped world history. Just be sure to bring your camera so you can capture all the incredible things you see and do.

Research Studies On Spiritual Sciencephilosophy

Todays era predominates with a high intellect. Every attribute of our life is fully influenced by the modern practical principle of proof and sound logic. As a backwash world humanity requires both proof and logic as far as philosophy is concerned too. One shot touching testing it thereupon will they deign to accept its usefulness. Truth and Materiality will be imbibed peerless proximate it is tested via logic and specialized proof. This insistence of proof has intensely challenged the very existence of Spiritual Sciences. Mans glory and social arrangement has its roots in high consistent faith that encompasses both sacred ideals and philosophy. Express intellectualism with its emphasis on direct proof has quite crushed mans faith plausible. Logic and proof says that faith is blind. So todays need of the hour is to test Spiritual Values like faith, faith, ideals etc on the basis of mechanical logic and science along with its utility and proof of its very existence. For this those very specialized research need to be deployed which are today being used by Modern Material Science.

Today everyone fully accepts the importance of Material Science. Its utility and importance have always remained in vogue seeing it tests itself on the basis of logic, experimentation and research. In addition to this it never wavers when it is required to give up beliefs that are not scientifically sound and thinking. Of course it is a well confessed gospel that specialized findings do encourage to change every now and thereupon. If for the first time some proof is fashion it is not imperative that it will run on eternally correct. This is in that when newer discoveries and inventions unfold the previous conclusions are bummed out. Then practical findings at a particular point in time are accepted as legitimate alone until new findings following refute their authenticity. Hence the previous finding henceforth does not tenacity bona fide as it did previously. It is this yearning for truth that helps Modern Science retain its importance and utility.

The comprehension of Spiritual Science are famously more than those of Material Science. Thereupon its importance too is n - district more than modern science. So it is most required that greater attention be paid to it. Since in ancient times Spiritual Science was inclined a lot of importance mans overall glory too reached high peaks. But next the more mans soul enforcement sickly the more he headed towards both a material and spiritual degradation. Accordingly if we yearning to master in a bright future in the 21st century best usage of soul tuition are the need of the hour. And so keeping this in function it is most required that Spiritual Sciences be researched in a modern technical style and place them in front of all so as to drink them in their pristine purity.

It is Spiritual Philosophy that is the foundation stone of human realizing / viewpoint. It is the very life strong arm of spirituality. Mans wholesome thinking or distant is totally dependent on the beliefs of social norm that are in vogue at a particular time. The basis of high level judging flow during the Rishi Era was Spiritual Philosophy that was in vogue. It ceaselessly inspired human beings to strive for supremacy as far as wholesome cogitation and activity was concerned. As a by-product savory situations manifested and divinely human beings took birth. Earnest questions regarding the soul, Gods existence, Gods glory, fruits of ones past / present / future actions, creation of this world and the aim behind it can unique be answered by Spiritual Philosophy.

During varying times and situation great Rishis of yore gave us philosophical tenets to suit those times and requirements. As long as the Rishi Yuga existed, this tradition elongate whence creating tasty situations for world beings. But following during the Middle Age a fairly long time span of darkness and nighttime prevailed. Since in this unlit name unruliness and anarchy took over philosophy, righteousness and spirituality were totally ignored by one and all. During comparable dire times it is most required that one is alert enough to gauge what is apt and what is not apt. Whence we should develop an intellect which leans towards research so as to register what is authentic and what is its day to day usefulness.

Ancient and very proper spiritual comprehension need to be put radiate to world humanity in comparable a way wherein there remains no room for query as far as its utility and plain talk is concerned especially in todays Swarthy Age.

Great Rishis elucidated legion behavioral depending on each circumstance and its requirement. Smritis decidedly depict same differences in norms laid down. The different norms laid down by great seers during multitudinal points in world history were not being there was hatred, differences etc amongst these seers. In reality they were forced to reservation down peculiar social norms aptly because the requirements during various phases of world history required specific norms for each and every phase.

The basis of past progress, analysis of downfall and goal setting for the future is an intellect which yearns for facts and reality. In spiritual parlance it is called Ritambhara. According to Brahman scriptures this is what Prajapati says while elucidating Divine Wisdom or Self Realization: When during cosmic annihilation ( Pralaya ) everything in this world is destroyed at that time too one Rishi remains alive to reveal the truth. His name is Tarka. Over here Tarka is not some dry and superficial argument but it is a divine intellect full of profound wisdom. It is with its help that one can attain Self Realization. An intellect that is open to accept truth shies away from prejudiced fanatical beliefs. The wheel of time is such that situations faced by us all are bound to change again and again. And it is because of this that the methods of solving various problems too change when situations change. No doubt we revere saints and seers of the past and the spiritual endeavors demarcated by them. And yet it is not necessary that these endeavors can help in todays times since situations of those times and today differ a great deal. Hence it is most required that spiritual practices of those times that can be used today be imbibed wholeheartedly and renounce those which are not suitable for modern times ( but were apt for past times ).

As mentioned previously in the Middle Age of darkness and ignorance a lot of distortions plagued the spiritual arena. Such disparity was seen in the principles, methods and social execution of Spiritual Philosophy that even a common thinking intellect would refuse to trust its veracity and utility. In the dark Middle Age sacred scriptures got adulterated so as to say. This resulted in the degradation of the lives of so called religious and spiritual leaders. Thus majority of world humanity rightly refused to trust them and follow in their footsteps.

There was a time many centuries back when Rishis speech and the sacred gospel of our scriptures were thought to be beyond doubt. Today because intellectualism and logic / proof is the in thing, scriptural precepts will not be gulped down solely on the basis of faith. The philosophy of faith can only be reinstated today on the firm foundation of its utility, proof and veracity. Today the need of the hour is that the principles and day to day execution of Spiritual Science be put forth in a form that is wholesome and acceptable to this present generation of the Computer Age. Those very spiritual tenets faithfully and wholeheartedly imbibed by seers of yore must be presented today in a manner that is acceptable to the highly intellectual human beings of modern times. The gist of the teachings of great thinkers and sages of ancient times is unanimous wherein human beings love each other selflessly, imbibe the wealth of sacred thinking, grow the flowers of wholesome actions and develop a great character. How will al this happen? The answer is one without a second and that is faith towards Spiritual Sciences be imbibed deeply in ones psyche.

For this a 2 - pronged effort has been designed wherein distortions that have entered Spiritual Science are being rooted out and to prove with sound scientific arguments the futility to pursue materialism that does not have a firm substratum of spiritual values. For this in the gigantic library of the Brahmavarchas Research Institutes highly experienced scholars are re - analyzing every religious scripture in a scientific manner. Every scripture is scrutinized minutely for its useful tenets and without any prejudice or bias renounce all precepts that are not useful / applicable in todays 21st century. We must have deep faith that just as when the mythological churning of the ocean took place and 14 jewels emerged from it so too our scientific research will definitely unearth those spiritual jewels that will be acceptable the world over.

It is also the need of the hour to combat the rat race like material pursuits ( one could say it is a by product of Modern Science ) devoid of spiritual and human values. The very foundation of ethics has been shattered because of laying emphasis solely on direct visible proof and material utility. Die hard materialists refuse to accept the existence of the soul and God. As a result the attitude of why even deign to think about good deeds / merits, spiritual goals, renunciation, sacrifice etc? Charvak said: Rinam Kritvaa Gridham Pibait. It means keep borrowing money and thus eat, drink and be merry. He also said: Yena Kena Prakaarena, Yaavajjeevait Sukham Jeevait. It means beg, borrow or steal and continue to live a life of sense merriment. If one looks around and analyzes the life style of the highly materialistic intellectual class it certainly appears as though they are hell bent on proving Charvak right. When scientific research proves everything on the basis of proof collected from ones sense organs, mind and intellect why should not lifes philosophy be erected on the foundation stone of selfishness? The results of such erroneous thinking stares starkly in our face wherein every area of our life predominates with narrow minded selfishness, lack of magnanimity and generosity and hard heartedness. There is no other cause for this apart from our lack of faith in the importance of spiritual values and tenets. How can it be warded off? The answer is unanimous in that faith in spiritual values must be reinstated in the psyche of world humanity on a firm footing. And this is possible only by imbibing the sacred precepts of Spiritual Sciences.

Spirituality can be imbued with new vigor only by 1 ) destroying distortions that have entered spirituality and 2 ) reinstating the philosophy of aspiring for greatness which is being ignored today by those who pursue rank materialism devoid of spiritual and human values. It is hence that the gigantic Research Institute called Brahmavarchas has been established. The highly intellectual class of this Computer Age can only be convinced by giving philosophical answers to philosophy, scientific answers to science and logical answers to logic. Atheism is ruling the roost today simply because spiritual principles have not been presented via sound scientific proof and logic. One can safely say that Modern Sciences principles that rely on proof only is not the major cause of people scoffing the existence of the soul, God, fruits of ones actions, spiritual goals etc. Instead the root cause is that till today we have failed to present Spiritual Sciences laced with ample scientific proof and logic.

In order to fulfill this all important goal Brahmavarchas Research Institute has been set up as a all round centre of scientific research. No doubt our beginning is dwarfish yet the potential of it becoming gigantic and all pervasive is very high. We have sown a powerful seed and without doubt it is not the end. It is a gigantic task to test Spiritual Sciences principle on the basis of sound scientific logic and proof. And hence gigantic means that include a well equipped high profiled laboratory are most required. Over here there are 2 options. The first one wherein wait for high leveled means and then start research activities. The second is make - do with the limited means available at present and commence research studies on a war like footing. We realized that it is not possible to stop research just because all the required means are not available. A delay would mean not helping in the obstruction of world humanitys imminent spiritual and material downfall. Hence it is important that without delay we prove the authentic nature of spiritual values via scientific research and only then will the highly intellectual class of the world accept it and imbibe it to the fullest. Brahmavarchas Research Institutes wheels are on a roll and the train of research studies has started moving slowly but surely.

Research studies have 2 aspects viz. literature based research and experimentation in a well equipped laboratory. A gigantic collection of literature in our high profile library that includes religions of all nations of the world, books of great thinkers and philosophers of the world covering areas of Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Parapsychology, Sociology etc will help fulfill our requirement of scientific as well as a philosophic method of scientific analysis. Further spiritual practices will be scientifically tested in our laboratory that is equipped with advanced scientific apparatus and technology. We are analyzing the effect of Mantras, Japa and Yajna on human beings, other creatures and plants. It is no secret that today mans bodily, mental and spiritual health is fast deteriorating. Various medical therapies like Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurveda are not weeding out diseases from their very roots. Under such dire circumstances what is required is that we unearth a mode of therapy which gives us sound bodily, mental and spiritual health for keeps.

The Science of Yajna or Yajnopathy is being given a firm and strong foundation. We are constantly in touch with well known scientists and medical specialists so as to reap rich dividends from our research. We must all have faith that in the near future Yajnopathy will bloom forth in its total healthy and all encompassing form. Thus it will serve entire world humanity both materially and spiritually.

Literature based research study has many aspects. And yet chief amongst them are Science and Philosophy. This era demands that spiritual and human values be given prime importance. Hence 4 main topics with reference to them have been taken up for research studies. They are: 1 ) Inter Faith Understanding and Equality, 2 ) Cosmic Consciousness and Cosmic Nature, 3 ) Science of True Thinking and 4 ) Yajna based therapy. In the subsequent phase of our research other topics too will be studied minutely.

1 ) Inter Faith Understanding and Equality: In order that every world religion is given utmost honor and respect 14 golden aphorisms have been elucidated that are accepted by all religions. They will encompass the religious discourses, rites / rituals and traditions of religions like Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Parsi, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism, Jew and Taoism. In order to make individuals and world society great and pious in character ethics, human / spiritual values, discipline and wholesome social behavior have been taken up for study purposes.

2 ) Cosmic Consciousness and Cosmic Nature: We are deeply studying material nature, the subtle atom, special qualities of the gigantic cosmos and the mysterious layers of human ( microcosm ) and cosmic ( macrocosm ) consciousness. Serious research is being carried out into the scientific basis of the awakening of Extrasensory Potential ( ESP ). In addition the question of how could one contact cosmic consciousness and imbibe their Divine Powers is being researched into. Within this topic the various branches of Modern Science are being studied and on its basis soul scientific principles will be put forth.

3 ) Science of True Thinking: All those principles and theories of Psychology and Philosophy are being studied deeply that are strongly related to mans very thinking process. The Science of Thinking includes research studies on reflection, faith, trust, sensitivity etc that designs mans inner personality and character. A psychological study of devotion, meditation, prayer and mental focus / concentration too has been taken up by us.

4 ) Yajna based therapy: It encompasses the scientific application and utility of Yajna, its influence on our body and psyche and what is its philosophical basis.

We must imbibe deep faith that soul based principles stand on the firm foundation of spirituality. In addition they are omnipotent enough to ward off all attacks made by atheistic units. What can we achieve by defeating that path which has yet to be imbibed totally and which yet has no followers or propagators? In the court of intellectualism theism tasted defeat simply because theistic propagators did not take up the challenges thrown by their modern intellectual counterparts and instead insisted on saving theism with the slogan: Have faith in God! If only they had answered logic with counter logic, precepts with counter precepts, proof with counter proof etc theism would have succeeded in defeating hard core intellectuals in their own court. But alas this was not to be and theism was relegated to an ethical downfall and psychic inertia. This is the reason why Spiritual Science over the years beat a hasty retreat to its downfall. And yet there is no need to despair because today scientific research on Spiritual Sciences will help regain eternally its lost glory.

In reality Spiritual Principles are such that the basis of human joy, peace, progress and prosperity remain on a solid footing. The problem is only one wherein the complexity of what is true and false is so enormous that it is very difficult to understand the true meaning of their precepts along with its application in day to day life. Gold is purified via a blazing fire. Similarly spiritual teachings too will be heated in such a manner so as to transform them into that form which can be understood easily by even a layman and thus will be conducive to imbibe in ones daily professional, social etc life. The probability to achieve this goal via a positive transformation of Spiritual Philosophy indeed is very high. We must have faith via the research endeavor of Brahmavarchas Research Institute that all encompassing form of Spiritual Philosophy will be presented to the world wherein there will be no room for differences and doubts. Only modern scientific research can ward off obstacles faced by theism and reinstating of spiritual values in our day to day life. Only those principles that are heated in the furnace of research and tested for sound proof and logic will prove to be true and useful both materially and spiritually. Without this the highly intellectual class of the world cannot be wooed to imbibe spiritual tenets.