Monday, October 8, 2012

The Saga of Ledo Road, Life Line to China ( World War II )

The Second World War was a soak shed in world history. The European and Pacific theaters are well known, but there is a forgotten theater recurrently referred to as the CBI ( China - Burma - India ) theater that is not so well publicized.

In 1942 the Japanese invaded Burma and occupied it driving the British - Indian forces out of Burma. The completion was that the Burma Road was closed. There was an urgent need for a second road to carry supplies to China during the war. This was how the concept of the Ledo road came about. The Ledo road contemporaneous from Ledo in Assam India and winded from the tea gardens to the jungles and mountains of northern Burma till it joined up with the Burma Road

The Ledo Road was the handiwork of U. S. Army Engineers and Indian labor from Assam.

The road was an engineering marvel and went over some of the toughest mountains and densest jungles existing anywhere. Add the heavy monsoon for 5months in a year and one can apprehend that the Ledo road was no ordinary engineering feat.

The man who commanded the building of the road was General Lewis A. Pick ( 1890 - 56 ) He commented that it was the toughest job ever given to U. S. Army Engineers in wartime.

The construction of the road commenced on 16 December 1942 and continued unabated for 3 years. Finally the Ledo road was declared operational on 20 May 1945. Though completed towards the fag end of the war it still transported an estimated 35, 000 tons of supplies to China. The road ran 465 miles from Ledo in Assam ( India ) to Mongyu, Burma, near Wanting, China.

Military planners did discuss the utility of the road compared to the air lift from Assam to Burma by elements of the USAF. But its importance was strategic and though not built to original specifications like a two lane highway, it yet served a specific purpose. The road as it was built served as a combat highway and gave succor to a pipe line that ran parallel to it.

The Ledo road and its construction is basically an American effort, but it was never given its due share of importance. This was because of the low priority of the CBI Theater. This sector was declared open in March 3, 1942 and is often referred to as theForgotten Theater of World War II.

Not many know that at the height of the war America had mobilized12, 300, 000 Americans for the war effort. Out of this gigantic figure only 250, 000 ( two percent ) were assigned to the CBI theater. Thus it was inevitable that the CBI did not feature in the minds of the American people back home. But the 12, 000 mile supply line was the longest in the war and also having the least priority

US service men though small in numbers did yeoman service in the CBI Theater. The Ledo road is a testimony to their indomitable courage. These men along with Indian and British troops tied up many Japanese divisions. The USAF also carried out a massive airlift ' over the hump " to China from Assam. The Ledo road was an adjunct to that supply lift.. Ledo was chosen because it was close to the northern terminus of a rail line which had direct connection to the ports of Calcutta and Bombay. Construction of the Ledo Road was completed in early 1945.

The American role was to support China by providing war materials. The United States air forces the Flying Tigers fought the Japanese in the air over China and Burma and Army Air Forces flew supplies Over the Hump from India to China. US Army Engineers built the Ledo Road to open up the land supply route. It was a supreme engineering achievement.

What about the human and material cost? The total Ledo road fatalities were 1133 out of which 261 were from the engineering group.

The History Of Ecotourism

Ecotourism is recurrently looked at as a modern phenomenon, something that happened when environmentally - aware tribe immediate acceptance enough wherewithal together in their lives to travel to those places they ' d unique peruse about. This is tried not truthful. Ecotourism is as old as tourism itself.

In gospel, ecotourism history is embedded in the literature of Western civilization: Baron ' s travelogues from Britain and Gaul, Marco Polo ' s exploration, and Aristotle ' s stories of the strange humans of Egypt are all precursors to modern ecotourism. These xamples did not have tourism as their main mark, but moderately sweep, trade, and the pursuit of knowledge took bull's eye stage.

Still, how much difference is there between ecotourism and our earliest explorations, if you extract the more venial goals? One when exploration itself became the motivation for travel was ecotourism born, but the similarities are still there: the exploration of a relatively - rude part of the world, with the goal to perceive the flora, fauna, and other cultures construct therein.

In Victorian England, the separation began, and an entire class of gentleman and lady explorers sprang up, mounted elephants, and started thundering through the savannahs and jungles of Africa and Asia, sending back missives and quaintly - worded novels to their friends and family at home.

The Adventurers ' Clubs: Victorian Ecotourism

From elephant safari hunters to Tarzan to Charles Darwin, you can clearly see the roots of modern ecotourism in Victorian times. Male and female adventurers, invariably members of the idle rich, packed steamer trunks and purchased trendy ( at the time ) khaki suits perfect for sweating it out in the steamy Congo.

This, however, wasn ' t pure ecotourism as it exists today. Instead, the Victorians made numerous blunders we should learn from in our own movement toward a more sustainable appreciation of nature.

Start with preservation of species. The Victorians were notable hunters for trophies, and shooting elephants and water buffalo, lions and gorillas, were par for the course during your African safari. Even those who did not shoot were in the habit of purchasing beautifully - carved ivory trinkets, or elephant - foot umbrella stands. Their impact was twofold in the end: first, their stories and letters brought back the real world of Africa for others to put into books and art and, eventually, movies. But secondly,

and more sinister, their veritable rape of the wilds taught the impoverished cultures they moved through that the way to get the crazy Europeans ' money was to destroy their own ecosystems.

And so it went.

Modern Ecotourism History

What is surprising: we haven ' t learned as much as you might imagine from the history of ecotourism. Modern ecotourism, beginning in the 1980s, has brought an unheard - of prosperity to countries like Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Nepal.

However, many of the same old mistakes are being made. Instead of minimizing impact, as a true ecotourist should, by rough camping or staying with host families, many are opting to stay in some of the large hotels that tend to spring up in these often ecologically - sensitive areas. Ecotourists hike through inaccessible areas - after driving there in poorly - maintained diesel Jeeps. Governments thriving on ecotourism dollars force programs on the indigenous population that they neither want nor need, in

order to bring more tourists in.

Looking back at ecotourism history, we should all strive to:

* Have minimal, no, or positive impact on the ecosystems and people we visit.

* Provide environmentally - responsible employment to the people of these areas - sharing the wealth without damaging the world.

* Eschew luxury in favor of wasting nothing and leaving behind no trash or mark that we were there.

* Appreciate and enjoy the flora, fauna, and cultures of the areas we visit, and leave them exactly the same for their own sake and for the sake of others who want to enjoy their beauty.

With goals such as these, ecotourism could be a means for preserving things that would otherwise be lost for centuries to come, giving to the future in ways that ecotourism ' s history has never done before.

The Importance Of Passing On History

Anyone that has a fascination with historical events knows that you always look at the important events, groups, and ideas from the past to help shape the world ' s future. History is so broad of a subject and it is very larger part of how cultures and societies evolve in the world. If you look at the history of section mortals class in continents like South America, Asia, and Africa, you will see that there were certain events in history that help guidance how they are today. By skillful a bit about what has happened in the world, can help you deduce why things are the way they are. Studying world history can also help you to catch what can maybe happen in the future. For these reasons, it doesn ' t contused to know too much history.

A huge advantage that comes from researching past occurrences is that it ' ll hand a person with becoming a well rounded person, no matter what part of the world he or nymph lives in. No matter if an solitary is a juvenile delinquent in a class, or a U. S. Congressman, together the past may reinforcement him or her in making a more keen evaluation regarding situation where great choice making skills are necessary. To a few of us, this may be puzzling. Yet, the intelligence you ' ll receive from learning about the past will assist you in getting your opinions and ideas across with greater clarity. If an individual doesn ' t understand an adequate amount of world history, that individual may experience a lot of negative consequences when it comes to accomplishing much on this earth. In addition, a person might be requested to help other people learn about history and might need a little bit of information from prior world events in order to provide training to other individuals in a certain industry. Nevertheless, it doesn ' t matter why you learn about the past, in the end, it will forever be an advantage to you.

What is pattern recognition, really, other than the awareness of basic concepts such as cause and effect, the importance of strategic relationships between individuals, and how the influence of relatively few individuals has a tremendous influence on outcomes. When we are alert to the possibilities of a historical moment, and choose to act upon them, we can change the world. For example, let us imagine that a country grows notorious for its leaders ' oppression of its citizens ' thoughts and actions. This can lead to uprisings within that country, or perhaps the intervention of outside forces, should the internal conflicts lead to a breakdown in law and order, to the point where it restricts external access to the country ' s resources.

Another reason why history is important to learn is that you can understand how it feels to be in someone else ' s shoes. Sadly, humans are generally selfish and we often observe the world around us through our own isolated bubble. We are only affected by what we experience around us. But, when you study history, you are able to identify with the pains, struggles, and joys of another people group. You are able to understand what it means to go without food for days, or be in continual war for decades. Just like reading a book, history is a bigger book filled with hundreds of real life stories. After reading the book, you have the choice whether you want to be affected by it, take action, or remain passive.

All of us should know that in the same manner our childhoods have shaped the way we live today, history has shaped what the world is today. Learning history will help you to clearly see why things are the way they are right now. For example, the victories of the American Revolutionary War are what fuel the national pride that many Americans have for their own country. If you look towards nations in Africa, you can historically see why they are not as economically developed and strong as other nations around the globe. You will understand the pros and cons behind colonialism and why it worked for certain parts of the world and failed in other parts. The idea of globalization has affected everyone to some degree, but history will teach us that there were always groups that were suppressed and taken advantage of for the purpose greater control and power by another group. History will also teach us why certain ethnic groups will always have conflict with each other until some peace agreement is met. Most countries that make the world today have drastically changed since its national origins. The reason for change is evident and it helps us to understand our current place in the world today.

By learning our past and our present, we can be better prepared for our future. Everyone knows that there is nothing new under the sun and most history generally repeats itself. By observing what has happened, we can understand what we need to avoid in our future and what we need to fix now to make it better. The reason why we live in a strong country is because we are standing on the shoulders of strong leaders from our past. Our history is so important because each of us are a part of the history that is taking place now. We may not understand all of the details of what ' s happening around us now, but each of us will contribute to how the world will be shaped for generations to come. Remember, history does not stop at the textbooks, it merely continues until the end of time. Each one of us is a living textbook of what is to come.

The History Of The Health Spa

When they think about a spa, most tribe think of a voluptuous heaven where they can relax with a manipulate, hair cut, or other type of charm treatment. The term much refers to spray treatments, commonly published as balneotherapy. Regularly these types of treatments are plant in what we know as " decalescent springs " or " resorts " considering the waters in these areas are believed by many to take in some type of curative powers.

The history of the spa takes us back to the bronze age where archaeological condominium have found indications of people traveling to hot or cold springs with the belief that they would be cured of some type of illness that they had. Some had the belief that if they bathed in certain pools, it resulted in being purified spiritually. It is still believed today by many of the mainstream religions of the world. Often times this resulted in few buildings being built around the water.

Throughout world history, many civilizations built their culture around baths. Some of these cultures include:

- Ancient Greece and Rome - Many of the earliest treatments came from the Greeks and many bathing facilities have been discovered in Knossos, Crete, Akrotiri, and Santorini from as early as 2, 000 BC. Their gymnasiums included facilities for both relaxing and taking care of personal needs. It was believed that the gods blessed the pools and the waters in them were able to cure many illnesses. The Romans later used many of the same practices in their bathing and later included them in many of their colonies.

- Medieval Times - By this time, the public baths had become a place where immorality took place and was banned by the church because instead of promoting healing, they were promoting illness. Instead they visited holy wells that were said to cure certain illnesses only and would take mineral water baths twice a day while drinking a mineral water as well. These were believed to completely cleanse the body both inside and out.

- The 18th Century - they would take a bath early in the morning, then have a private breakfast party. They would then drink water from the pool ' s source. The people were encouraged to both drink and bathe in the waters at the health resorts. It was during this time that the people were encouraged once again to enjoy the mineral baths and spa treatments.

- The modern spa - treatments today include aromatherapy, bathing in hot tubs, mud baths, body wraps, facials, massages, nail care, exfoliation, waxing, personal training, and weight loss. This is all in a facility that has been aesthetically created for these beauty treatments.

Whether you are looking for the health benefits of the center or just time to relax and melt away the cares of your life, no matter where you are, there is a place that you can enjoy.

The History of the Internet Is Being Written Now

The stuff about history is that most times we don ' t get it the biggest historical events are being written while we stopwatch and don ' t know it. There ' s not much mention of the current revolution in the history books. The biggest transfer of wealth in the world ' s history. The behemoth that has shuttered newspapers, ignited revolutions and changed the way many of us serve and communicate. I am utterance about the Internet and the online business revolution.

If You Had Been There

Suppose if you could have been at the START of the Internet? If you knew about YouTube and Facebook and whence you had been the one to start them? Well, the fact is less than 31 percent of the world ' s cats is on the Internet even today. We are STILL at the start! Folks, the revolution has only begun.

Apple, Google and other internet growth companies have flourished despite the world economic downturn. When you look at the sheer numbers from any perspective, the Internet is the fastest growing technology mankind has ever created.

A friend of mine at Lowe ' s Home Improvement Center told me the other day that the company was in the process of giving employees something similar to an iPhone on the floor so employees will be able to take orders without having to go to a work station. The reason - Lowe ' s figured out that Amazon is also in the home improvement business. In fact, Amazon is the fourth largest selling home improvement company in the U. S. and THEY HAVE NO STORE!!! It ' s all internet based! Everything that ' s being sold is being sold online. We ' re in he middle of an online business revolution.

Cisco Systems, the company that makes a living selling routers and other things internet, predicted the internet would double by 2014! Double!

Implications For Online Marketers

The implications of all this for online marketers are tremendous. A market that will double in the next two years and you know it!

If you are an internet marketer, or are looking for the next " big thing " I can only say that history is being made right now, and those that can ' t see it, or the opportunities it presents, are like the railroads of the early 20th century who thought that mode of transportation would always rule or those who manufactured horse drawn wagons and failed to realize the potential of the automobile.

What If You Miss the Online Business Revolution?

They are the people who always get on the packed bus last, not realizing what is happening. The greatest transfer of wealth is occurring right now, today, and those who fail to realize the implications will be those who will be saying, " If I had only... " ten years from now.

The Legacy Of Johann Adam Birkenstock

Most individuals have heard of the Birkenstock brand of sandals, most well published for their cork footbeds that are able to contour to the shape of one ' s head. But what most mortals don ' t know is how these world - famous shoes came to be.

Birkenstocks can rehearse their heritage back to 1774, making the brand proper name older than the United States of America itself. That ' s when one Johann Adam Birkenstock registered his alias as the agnomen of his shoemaker company.

It would be over 100 years following that Johann ' s grandson, Konrad, developed a contoured insole in 1897. Konrad went on to further develop the first flexible arch support in 1902. Over a hundred years ago, the Birkenstock family was leading the way with industry firsts in the footwear business.

But world fame would have to wait more than another century and a half. It was 1964 when Johann ' s distant offspring, Karl, would finally develop the famous sandal we all know today. But it was its discovery by an American that would start its amazing rise to fame. While on vacation to Germany, American Margot Fraser stumbled across Karl ' s creation, which she used to gain relief for a foot condition she was suffering from.

Margot was so impressed with the sandals that she founded a company to distribute the sandals in America. Margot was the first American dealer for Birkenstock shoes, opening up shop in California in 1967. To this day, the company Margot founded remains the exclusive distributor for the famed sandals in America.

In Germany, the sandals were mostly used as house slippers, but by the 1980 ' s, the sandals were gaining in popularity in the United States amongst professionals that were on their feet for long hours. These included medical doctors, dentists, nurses, and so forth.

Today, their popularity has grown beyond any conceivable control by the manufacturer and brand owner. They tend to be worn by celebrities, show up in movies without Birkenstock paying for product placement, both chided and revered in popular culture and media, and have managed to become tied to college - aged people with liberal political leanings despite the fact that they are worn by persons off all political persuasions.

Johann ' s influence has managed to cross the centuries all the way to today. While most people will never know who Johann Adam Birkenstock is or what he has done for the world, his legacy of world famous cork sandals is cemented in world history.

The History of Hospital Food

Food within hospitals has for centuries played an important part in theraoeutic and recovery. Today, catering systems can be highly spick-and-span motile units which concede staff to prepare and feed patients right by their beds although this was not always the circumstances.

In detail, however dubious the medical practices, in medieval Europe the equivalent of hospital food was well tacit by practitioners. Hospitals at this time were little operated by carnal members of society and instead were the mainstay of the church, with many doctors doubling as clerics and many of the support staff being monks. It was these monks that usually prepared meals for patients.

In other parts of the world hospital food also played an important role, in some Islamic countries chroniclers speak of food which would have been suitable for nobles and kings. Many historians have argued that the high quality of care in the secular hospitals that were built in urban areas were a considerable achievement with medieval Islamic society.

Within Europe in later centuries the function of hospitals and those offering the care also changed. This was particularly the case in the eighteenth and nineteenth century where the monastery hospitals began to be replaced by more professional hospitals run by the military. Once again hospital food remained and important element within the recovery process although most hospital diets consisted of bread, beef and beer, although the serving of alcohol did diminish in the latter stages of this period.

Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries a greater understanding of the role that food played in healing was gained. Termed nutritional science hospitals now comprehended that there was a direct correlation between the food given to a patient and healing times and meals had to be carefully planned to ensure patients received all of the nutrients they needed.

Today hospital food is as important as ever although tight budgetary restraints and pressures on staff mean that hospitals are now looking for evermore advanced and efficient methods of food preparation which do not sacrifice taste, presentation or nutritional value.