Monday, October 8, 2012

The History of the Internet Is Being Written Now

The stuff about history is that most times we don ' t get it the biggest historical events are being written while we stopwatch and don ' t know it. There ' s not much mention of the current revolution in the history books. The biggest transfer of wealth in the world ' s history. The behemoth that has shuttered newspapers, ignited revolutions and changed the way many of us serve and communicate. I am utterance about the Internet and the online business revolution.

If You Had Been There

Suppose if you could have been at the START of the Internet? If you knew about YouTube and Facebook and whence you had been the one to start them? Well, the fact is less than 31 percent of the world ' s cats is on the Internet even today. We are STILL at the start! Folks, the revolution has only begun.

Apple, Google and other internet growth companies have flourished despite the world economic downturn. When you look at the sheer numbers from any perspective, the Internet is the fastest growing technology mankind has ever created.

A friend of mine at Lowe ' s Home Improvement Center told me the other day that the company was in the process of giving employees something similar to an iPhone on the floor so employees will be able to take orders without having to go to a work station. The reason - Lowe ' s figured out that Amazon is also in the home improvement business. In fact, Amazon is the fourth largest selling home improvement company in the U. S. and THEY HAVE NO STORE!!! It ' s all internet based! Everything that ' s being sold is being sold online. We ' re in he middle of an online business revolution.

Cisco Systems, the company that makes a living selling routers and other things internet, predicted the internet would double by 2014! Double!

Implications For Online Marketers

The implications of all this for online marketers are tremendous. A market that will double in the next two years and you know it!

If you are an internet marketer, or are looking for the next " big thing " I can only say that history is being made right now, and those that can ' t see it, or the opportunities it presents, are like the railroads of the early 20th century who thought that mode of transportation would always rule or those who manufactured horse drawn wagons and failed to realize the potential of the automobile.

What If You Miss the Online Business Revolution?

They are the people who always get on the packed bus last, not realizing what is happening. The greatest transfer of wealth is occurring right now, today, and those who fail to realize the implications will be those who will be saying, " If I had only... " ten years from now.