Monday, October 8, 2012

The Importance Of Passing On History

Anyone that has a fascination with historical events knows that you always look at the important events, groups, and ideas from the past to help shape the world ' s future. History is so broad of a subject and it is very larger part of how cultures and societies evolve in the world. If you look at the history of section mortals class in continents like South America, Asia, and Africa, you will see that there were certain events in history that help guidance how they are today. By skillful a bit about what has happened in the world, can help you deduce why things are the way they are. Studying world history can also help you to catch what can maybe happen in the future. For these reasons, it doesn ' t contused to know too much history.

A huge advantage that comes from researching past occurrences is that it ' ll hand a person with becoming a well rounded person, no matter what part of the world he or nymph lives in. No matter if an solitary is a juvenile delinquent in a class, or a U. S. Congressman, together the past may reinforcement him or her in making a more keen evaluation regarding situation where great choice making skills are necessary. To a few of us, this may be puzzling. Yet, the intelligence you ' ll receive from learning about the past will assist you in getting your opinions and ideas across with greater clarity. If an individual doesn ' t understand an adequate amount of world history, that individual may experience a lot of negative consequences when it comes to accomplishing much on this earth. In addition, a person might be requested to help other people learn about history and might need a little bit of information from prior world events in order to provide training to other individuals in a certain industry. Nevertheless, it doesn ' t matter why you learn about the past, in the end, it will forever be an advantage to you.

What is pattern recognition, really, other than the awareness of basic concepts such as cause and effect, the importance of strategic relationships between individuals, and how the influence of relatively few individuals has a tremendous influence on outcomes. When we are alert to the possibilities of a historical moment, and choose to act upon them, we can change the world. For example, let us imagine that a country grows notorious for its leaders ' oppression of its citizens ' thoughts and actions. This can lead to uprisings within that country, or perhaps the intervention of outside forces, should the internal conflicts lead to a breakdown in law and order, to the point where it restricts external access to the country ' s resources.

Another reason why history is important to learn is that you can understand how it feels to be in someone else ' s shoes. Sadly, humans are generally selfish and we often observe the world around us through our own isolated bubble. We are only affected by what we experience around us. But, when you study history, you are able to identify with the pains, struggles, and joys of another people group. You are able to understand what it means to go without food for days, or be in continual war for decades. Just like reading a book, history is a bigger book filled with hundreds of real life stories. After reading the book, you have the choice whether you want to be affected by it, take action, or remain passive.

All of us should know that in the same manner our childhoods have shaped the way we live today, history has shaped what the world is today. Learning history will help you to clearly see why things are the way they are right now. For example, the victories of the American Revolutionary War are what fuel the national pride that many Americans have for their own country. If you look towards nations in Africa, you can historically see why they are not as economically developed and strong as other nations around the globe. You will understand the pros and cons behind colonialism and why it worked for certain parts of the world and failed in other parts. The idea of globalization has affected everyone to some degree, but history will teach us that there were always groups that were suppressed and taken advantage of for the purpose greater control and power by another group. History will also teach us why certain ethnic groups will always have conflict with each other until some peace agreement is met. Most countries that make the world today have drastically changed since its national origins. The reason for change is evident and it helps us to understand our current place in the world today.

By learning our past and our present, we can be better prepared for our future. Everyone knows that there is nothing new under the sun and most history generally repeats itself. By observing what has happened, we can understand what we need to avoid in our future and what we need to fix now to make it better. The reason why we live in a strong country is because we are standing on the shoulders of strong leaders from our past. Our history is so important because each of us are a part of the history that is taking place now. We may not understand all of the details of what ' s happening around us now, but each of us will contribute to how the world will be shaped for generations to come. Remember, history does not stop at the textbooks, it merely continues until the end of time. Each one of us is a living textbook of what is to come.