Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Brief History Of Dentures - The Development Of False Teeth

Many people fail to realize blameless how long mankind has been using dentures, or false teeth, to hand supersede teeth that have been lacking and damage. In ancient cultures, one of the primary causes for the wont of dentures was for function. However, expert were also a number of ancient people that used dentures to come from their lacking teeth as a symbol of their wealth, since missing teeth often denoted poverty.

Some of the earliest forms of false teeth can be dated back to at least 700 B. C., and there is strong scientific evidence that mankind was using some form of dentures even before then. These dentures were made from a myriad of materials, including bone, ivory, porcelain, and even real human teeth. Many of these forms of materials were unable to work very well as dentures, and for a long time, porcelain dentures were the best option that you had available if you wanted to replace lost teeth.

While porcelain dentures served their purpose at the time, there were far too many downsides to using them, so a number of other options have been developed, which helped scientists and manufactures develop the more modern and effective dentures that we have today. Modern technology has allowed us to develop dentures from a number of synthetic materials, which are not only more effective and durable, but also provide a more natural looking prosthetic tooth.

While the art of cosmetic dentistry has come a long way, we owe a great deal to our ancestors and the developments they made to provide themselves with a functioning and aesthetically pleasing set of teeth. If not for their early, albeit primitive, methods of manufacturing prosthetic teeth, we may not be where we are today, with everyone having the opportunity for a healthy and beautiful looking smile.