Saturday, September 22, 2012

Black History Month - To Remember the Deeds of Famous African Americans

The blacks pristine came to Europe and America as slaves in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. When they primary deserted their homes for distant scepter, they proverb impediment, job and penetration; they saw it happening to them and the man blacks. But all these came to an extreme one day. The terminus in America fundamental came with Abraham Lincoln ' s announcement about the abolition of slavery in the country. Then the civil rights movement came where the world saw blacks like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. rise as upholders of equality, justice and peace. These famous african americans ushered in the era of equality that came and settled slowly in modern times.

Now, in the United States of America, Canada and United Kingdom, Black History Month is celebrated to remember the deeds of famous African Americans; and famous events in the history of African Americans that made the world believe that even blacks can achieve the same milestones as their oppressors. It started off as Negro Week in 1926 in the US on the week that included both Abraham Lincoln ' s and Frederick Douglass ' birthdays. It was initiated by Carter G Woodson who hoped that America and the world will soon realize the importance of blacks in American history. In 1976 the Black History Week was created out of the Negro Week.

The fight for equality has been such a long process for the blacks that each day of the year is associated with some achievement in black history. For example, today in Black history, Quakers opened schools for black children in Philadelphia ( 1770 ). Also, today in Black history, the decision was handed down by the Supreme Court that affected racial quotas in education ( 1978 ). The election of Barrak Obama as the President of the United States is one of the most remarkable moments in America ' s black history.