Saturday, October 27, 2012

How To Turnobstacles Into Opportunities

If onlyif particular How many times have you felt that you could have been something great? How many times have you felt you could have accomplished something extraordinary if solitary If single you had a better life, if lone you had a breach, if lone you didnt have this bodkin in your side. These are the obstacles of our lives. As you look back and mirror on life, you will start to apprehend that opportunities to perform great things are always there. However, these opportunities are cloaked by obstacles.

The keyword here is cloaked. These obstacles are illusions; they are not necessarily physical objects that prevent us from reaching out and doing more with our lives. Understanding this is one of the hardest life lessons to learn. In our minds, we build up obstacles to be so big and daunting that we run away from the opportunities that are waiting for us.

A productive person must learn how to turnobstacles into opportunities, rather than let obstacles deter him or her from accomplishing great things. Some of the most famous people in world history started their journey with heavy obstacles in their way. They were told they would never amount to anything. They were told that their impairmentsin some cases, their handicapswould be too much to overcome.

Some of the biggest names in American history were people who had numerous obstacles placed in front of them, from Abraham Lincoln to Nelson Mandela to Clark Gable and even Michael Jordan. Some of our nations leaders have come from very humble beginnings. Two recent presidents in George W. Bush and Barack Obama came from backgrounds that were not royal blood in the slightest.

This just proves that our obstacles in life are imagined and some of the attitudes we carry are self - defeating. Think about this illustration: if you are walking down a path at a steady pace but then suddenly find a large boulder blocking the rest of the way, what do you do? Do you turn back around and make excuses for the rest of your life that you were unable to walk past that boulder? Or, do you use your wits and find other ways around that obstacle?

If only more people could understand the implications of this simple statement, there would be many more happy people in this worldpeople who would be capable of fulfilling their dreams. Now that you understand this concept, feel free to spread it around and help brighten someones day!