Friday, October 19, 2012

Mormonism Versus Christianity, Is It All the Same A Brief Contrast

An honest critique of the Mormon church requires an unlocked sense and research, and in study of the history of the Mormon church Mormon church is proclaimed as the Church of the End Day Saints LDS.

We will learn:

Joseph Smith Never Knew How Much Gold Weighed

US Government Forced Priest Panorama on Polygamy

Alexander the Great Proves Bible is Authentic and Trustworthy Cleric in its Underivative Tongues and God is Jesus

Polytheism Teaching is from Book of Abraham, and Joseph Smith Erred purposely to misinform his individuals and concede himself to have sex crazed life.

Independent Impartial Truism of Bible

My preoccupation in learning about the Mormon church comes from my existence as a Christian. The big question in life in my theorem is there are a lot of competing truths vying for our attention and in education, we as educated adults need to be able to ventilate the pros and cons and make decisions. Is there the preference that there is one religion that is trustworthy that can be relied on and be trusted? Those are the types of questions that occurred to me as I grew as an purple. They came from the deepest part of my soul over it ' s where we all have one of our deepest needs. That ' s why I embarked on my research, as you know, we live in an age of communication and certainly we all have the comprehension to interpret, in consummation we are fearful to yawning up certain boxes for jitters of what might be there. I think this uneasiness exists when learning about God. We will rent other tribe characterize who God is, we postulate we and the conclude in the guard is all about obeying and if you don ' t obey your bad anymore. I lap up that 99 percent of society has never scan the bible. Now, and we think that the onliest way to deal with God is based on parallel a work for marriage sliding scale, and we good hope that God will grade on a curve.

How Alexander The Great Proves God is Jesus

God reveals himself to us through history to lives of of people in this can be verified independently, objectively from outside the Bible. How well we know that Alexander the Great, translated the Bible into Greek. He translated everything he could get his hands on into Greek and history shows that the Septuagint was developed, and around 300 BC, before Christ. So this gives us an objective benchmark that is undeniable in world history that shows us that the Old Testament preceded Christ by 300 years, not as Old Testament has about 30 to 50 prophecies regarding a suffering Messiah for gambling and the Isaiah 53, who died for the sins of not just the Jews. But the Gentiles. As we read in Isaiah 42 through 48. We also know that the Messiah had been as are we in come from out of Egypt, and be born in Bethlehem, the heart of one person do all those three things, basically by his birth and with his father, Joseph, from bringing him to Nazareth and is also from Galilee was only one person world history did it all three things name begins, it is J and it ' s Jesus.

Blatant Dishonesty of Mormon Religion

Now turning back the Mormon church. We have a church that ' s founded by a man, Joseph Smith, Joseph Smith said some interesting things. But there are many many ways to disprove Mormonism and its claims. First of all, before I accused of attacking Mormonism. The whole foundation of Mormonism is based upon attacking Christianity because Mormonism claims that in Joseph Smith claims that all denominations are of the devil and all pastors are of the devil, and that the church. It completely apostate size. So from that perspective, let ' s take a look at Mormonism again, it is not a really good position to be when all of your hopes of dependent upon the veracity and integrity of one person. If you ' re depending on the veracity one person and Joseph Smith supposedly translated the book of Mormon from these gold plates. Yet did Joseph Smith ever know the weight of Gold per ounce? He gives specific measurements to the box. They are given to him from the Angel Moroni, in upstate New York. The place where 200, 000 people died in the battle than 600 A. D. although there ' s no evidence it is dated any battle took place, which there should be some evidence of point number 1. The gold plates by Josephus makes its own description had to wait about 100 pounds Joseph Smith says that he carried him and was chased for about 3 miles back to his house. No man can carry 100 pound box and in be chased by two other men, and survive without being caught. He runs away jumping over fences? Obviously, Joseph Smith did not know how much gold weighed.

Polytheism A Teaching From A Source of Scripture Known Now to Be Fiction.

Another interesting problem for the veracity of the claims of Mormonism is found in its teaching on polytheism. It ' s a fact that Mormonism ' s believe that when they die. If they have had a Temple recommend and if they can get married in the Temple and if they pass the judgment of Joseph Smith, which they have put on level par with Jesus Christ, the real Judge of men. Now Mormonism has this teaching on polytheism, the teaching that promises godhood and the planet to populate to the people who advance the highest in celestial kingdom. Well LDS get this teaching from basically one source, the book of Abraham, which is a deliberate fib of Joseph Smith and disproven in 1968 by both non - Mormons and Mormon Egyptologists who translated the book of Abraham from hieroglyphics and discovered that Joseph Smith was wrong and his rendition of the book of Abraham is fiction. This reiterates my point above that, depending on the veracity of one man is not a good place to be. By the way, continuing the theme of veracity, this man Joseph Smith was convicted of glass looking in New York State in the early 19th century. Joseph Smith was a man who is said to have married up to 39 women, some who married already to other men, causing them to be very mad and seek revenge, as one could imagine. I believe that ' s what happened in Nauvoo when Joseph Smith found out that the Nauvoo newspaper was exposing his relationships with these other women, Joseph Smith decided to burn the printing press, and he was arrested but that did not quell the anger of the mob who attacked Joseph Smith in his prison cell, and as he escaped to the window, he was shot and killed.

US Government Forces Mormon Church to Give up Polygamy.

Now, polygamy not to be confused with poytheism was taught and practiced in Utah, which was land owned by Mexico and where Brigham Young had brought the Mormons. The next year, Mexico gave up Utah, and it became a territory to the United States and polygamy was banned and it says in the book of Mormon in Jacob, 2 26 ".. the Lord God will not suffer that this people shall do like unto them of old wherefore, my brethren, hear me and hacking to the word of the Lord for there shall not any man among you have saved it be you one wife, and concubines, he shall have none. " In Doctrines and Covenants section 132 Joseph Smith had received a revelation from the lord, and put into writing on July 12, 1843. The effect that plural marriage was God ' s will for his followers.

Reading from Mormons answered Verse by Verse. " Utah was part of Mexico when the Mormons settled there in 1848. In 1848, brought the Salt Lake City settlement back within the boundaries of the United States in 1850, Congress established a territory of Utah, refusing to admit it to the Union as a state because of the widespread practice of polygamy by the population. Repeated applications restated were turned down year after year for the same reason. And in the 1880s, 30 years later, Congress took the offensive first passing either the Edmunds ACT in 1882, which disenfranchised all men who practice plural marriage and then in 1887, passing legislation dissolving the Mormon Church Corporation and seizing much of its property. By 1890, federal prosecutors have succeeded in using " Gentile " juries to convict several hundred Mormon men of violating US anti - polygamy laws sentencing even prominent Utah officials to the penitentiary. Then church president Wilford Woodruff issued his manifesto and reversed the policy his sect founder ' s had issued by ' revelation ' as an ' everlasting covenant. '

Today, the LDS church strictly forbids plural marriage, expelling from membership any of the flock or from practicing it. It is been estimated that some 30, 000 breakaway fundamentalists live mainly in the rural areas of Western Canada, Utah, Arizona, Montana, California, Mexico still follow Joseph Smith ' s revelation. Instead of Woodruffs manifesto. "

Whats at Stake

In conclusion, we are to love God with our minds. The printing press was invented for the motive of the people reading the Bible and finding out for themselves what it says, seeing that salvation is free Romans 3 to anyone who calls on Jesus, but that message is today is nulled and muted first by a world that denies death and second by people who have incentive to keep people under control as slaves spiritually, and financially. I hope people will read this, their curiosity piqued, and examine for themselves what is true and false. The claims of truth on their own eternal soul is more important than anything, including the fear of the unknown resulting from a life conditioned on biblical ignorance, which is America ' s and the world ' s greatest malady.