Monday, October 15, 2012

Spanish Sword

Sword concept is as much senescent that history can not find out sure-enough facts of its emerging but this is stated that first sword was introduced made of copper. Sword was considered as worship and power symbol in ancient times. It was used for medieval fighting and evaluated as a very first and basic weapon. Copper made swords were fast disoriented since of rough edge and so copper was mixed with tin and bronze made swords took place. Later adamantine swords brought revolution to the weaponry world. Falcata was first sword made of hard was introduced in 5th century BC.

Very late steel was discovered and Toledo steel was known as best quality usable material over the world. First time Spanish custom got initiative and made sword with Toledo steel that was best known among soldiers. Although Toledo is a city of Spain consists on large industry of sword smiths.

Toledo is a remarkable place depicting diverse culture and attraction for art lovers. Toledo is well known because of its number of valued things but most popular for its architecture way. A marvelous art heritage gifted from historical Spanish empire named this city as UNESCO world heritage site in 1980s. Mostly you can find flock of tourists to this city. Whoever comes to Spain for visit, can never forget to visit Toledo, The Imperial City.

Spanish rapiers have special importance in the history of Spanish swords. Getting start to promote the industry of Toledo, Spain different types of steel was forged by Spanish masters to strengthen rapiers. They mix all type of hard and soft steel to make narrow, long, sharp and slight sword edges. This series was started in the 15th century BC.

Rapier was initially used by French, Spain and Italian but later it was widely spread over the world. Rapier is light but sharp sword and having much potential used by skilled warrior. Some heavy rapier swords are used for thrusting techniques. Design of the sword handle gives an elegant look. These polished metal handles are found in different colors.

During the Peninsula war in 1300, Spain started discovering swords because that was a battle time. Leather types, dragons and lion headed swords were commonly used made by Spanish conqueror. Most popular Spanish swords are Tizona, Colada of the Cid, Jineta etc. Jineta of King Boabdil got place among best museum.

Swords were old weapon and much important historically but now the trend of these ancient weapons has fallen down. New technological changes replace the world philosophy. This old tool is now considered as golden heritage and cultural influence.

Old antique swords are now available in the market for sword lovers who only want decoration of their home or any basic practice if they desire. It is very challenging to find out original replica because of tough market competition. Although online library and market can give us detail idea about swords and each type of sword as well as historical background. You can even find training practices to learn at high level.