Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Truth of Humanity Is Written in World History Not the Bible

Many persons are brought up in cultures, which instruct them the bible contains actual history about their origins and regulation that is supposed to govern entity they do. In my take that is a slip-up.

Based on my research the Genesis creation story is based on extracts which were taken from recorded history long before its time. Those ideas which they have extracted from history were used to formulate a discrepant aspect of man ' s creation. In that of that force, superior traditions of the human way of life which were developed and practiced since the time of origin, absent from our society. It happened when the Romans inaugurated the A. D. calendar. For example, the ancient operation of gods and goddesses that worked well-adjusted for balancing the life of humanity changed, and men became the prelate over women. Even symbols which represented worship of nature, were demonized at that point.

The initiation of the A. D. calendar, embody a wide range of regulatory principles which affected almost everything people do. A reading of the bible and other recorded information, make it clear that the Romans regime targeted former natural customs in an effort to change the course of people ' s perception and behavior. That made it necessary for them to demonized important symbols of nature, to buttressed the new Christianity religion. The five point star pentacle, was an emblem which stood for a lifestyle governed by nature. Religious worship was of mother nature and this was called Paganism. The crucifix had taken its place.

In common history the pentacle / anagram, had been in existence for at least 4000 years before Christ, which was at one time the official seal for the city of Jerusalem. Now it is branded as a Satanic symbol. The crucifix symbol of Christianity became a sign of holiness, and human life lost its ' balance. We need commonsense to hold onto the knowledge of history, given to us of our ancient ancestors. It is impossible for a any religious literature to be an authentic history book.

Though the bible has been looked upon as a good book, it is now made clear that it is not true, no when it usurps good history, and destroys people ' s dignity and destiny. The conclusion we draw should be based on clear evidence of truth. The God which they have written about in the bible is just a fictional evil character, having good titles but is full of evil conduct. The history of mankind should never be sacrificed for any reason.