Friday, October 5, 2012

Times Better - How Do You Get There

Times Better - How Do You Get There

Would you like to know how to excel in piece you do? To seal levels of success that go beyond what you may think is possible today? Thereupon this article is for you.

This is about how you can affected and become the person you craving to be. It provides some solution points to help you discover who and what you can become. I know. I ' ve reviewed and used these substance through some hard times and have come out ahead, better than I was before.

I recently construe a book and the author, Tim Ferriss, challenged his readers with this problem, - What would you do if there were no way you could fail, if you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world -?

I ' ve spent the last couple years vocabulary with hundreds of persons working in the financial services industry and also in a couple of home based businesses. One of the questions I ' ve asked is along the lines of, - what would you do if you could do information you wanted -, or - if time and cash were no puzzle what do you see yourself doing with your life -. What I ' ve discovered from this questioning and the dialog that follows is that the majority of tribe really don ' t know what they thirst out of life.

Well, I don ' t really know, I ' ve never liable it much deriving. Honey, what do you think?

If you unaccompanied knew what I ' ve been through, I couldn ' t do that.

I ' d like to do this - but, I really can ' t impart it, or it ' s not in my limit.

Immediately after reading the author ' s question I thought about a favorite person in history that models this question. I ' ve often read about him and studied his life as an example that I wanted to be like. His life takes away the excuses you so commonly hear about why someone can ' t do this or that. Why someone can ' t pursue their dreams and desires. Why someone can ' t take the risk and be the person they want to be.

You don ' t know what I ' ve been through.

You can ' t identify with the difficulties of my life.

If only you knew how I ' ve been treated.

The office politics made me lose another promotion.

If only my parents didn ' t divorce.

If only my dad wasn ' t an alcoholic.

If only my mom - on and on the excuses go.

Please, I am not minimizing any hurt or trauma that you have faced. I understand, believe me. What I am trying to do is show you that you have the rest of your life ahead of you and there is hope for something better.

I would like to introduce you to a man in history that lived 80 years through several kingdoms, coups, and invading armies. Through it all he remained one of the most respected advisors, who showed much greater wisdom than all the other advisors combined, and is immortalized for his wisdom and courage. Learn with me how he did it.

Imagine for a moment that you were born into royalty. You are a prince among princes, full of life, a part of the king ' s family of your country. Then one day it all ends. An enemy, the strongest nation of the time comes and conquers your country. Many of your family and friends are killed. You are shackled and marched for three months through several hundred miles of dry desert land. And when you finally arrive, you are taken in and made a eunuch. ( If you don ' t know what this word means, look it up. ) The only reason you are alive is that the invading country would take captive, deport and assimilate a part of the conquered countries population to help make occupation easier.

Would you call this a traumatic experience? I would, to say the least. How devastating, you ' re 17 years old and forcibly taken from your home and family and now made a slave in a foreign country.

Many of you may recognize this story but for those of you who don ' t, it is a young man named Daniel. Daniel lived in the time of some great empires, Assyria, Babylon, and Persia.

( I find this portion of history fascinating. If you are interested, there is a site that is digitally archiving our world ' s history. Go to my website and read the post. At the end I ' ll place the link. )

How did Daniel, who went through some of the most traumatic experiences anyone could go through, come out on the other side with such a great legacy? How is it he became someone who was wiser than all the other advisors in the entire kingdom. As a matter of fact, he was 10 times better than all the other advisors in all the matters of wisdom and understanding that the king examined him about.

4 Keys to Being 10 Times Better

#1 - He held to his principles.

For Daniel it was not a matter of blending in with his new surroundings. He had certain principles that he lived by and had to uphold. When other principles were being introduced to him he chose not to accept them even at the risk of death. This gave him solid character to go through any trial and test that life took him through.

#2 - He did not go it alone.

Not only did Daniel stand for what he believed in, but he had three companions who did the same. Together, they were stronger for the ordeal that was ahead of them.

#3 - He honored those in charge of his care.

In order for Daniel to uphold is principles, he needed the cooperation of the person who was in charge of his education, training, and welfare. Daniel could have refused and been stubborn about it, but it would have cost him his life. Instead, Daniel enlisted the help of the person in charge and found favor because of his demeanor.

#4 - He trusted in a power outside of himself.

Daniel trusted that God would take care of him in every circumstance he faced. And God did.

Now some of you may not agree with the last statement. That ' s fine. I ' m not here to argue the point. What I am here to say is that sometimes life does not give you something you can handle on your own and you may need the intervention of someone who is greater power than yourself. In Daniel ' s case it was God.

Which brings me back to the beginning question, - What would you do if there was no way you could fail, if you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world -?

I would ask you, - What would you do if you had the chance to become 10 times better than most of the people out there -?

Would you take it?

Would you want it?

Would you do what is required to be?

Is it worth it to be?

When can you start on your journey?

Let ' s face it. Not everyone will make the effort to move forward like Daniel did. Can you?

As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble. Ralph Waldo Emerson

William Villaire is an online business professional who specializes in helping others realize their full potential. He has experience in several home based businesses and as a financial services licensed professional. Having had a long and very successful career in the information technology / networking field and also the physical security field, he made the decision to leave the corporate world behind.

He partners with Leaders in the internet marketing community providing high end marketing and educational systems and solutions for today ' s serious entrepreneurs. His passion is to see lives empowered, impacted and transformed into leaders that make a difference in this world.

Learn more about partnering with William, The Business Opportunity, his bio and other resources at The Site of William Villaire Helping Others Realize Their Full Potential and at the personal blog of Bill Villaire.