Monday, October 29, 2012

History of Greece 11th Century AD to Right Before World War 1

Most people present know a little bit of Greece. Matching as Athens and its incredible contributions to art philosophy architecture and democracy. As well as Sparta which bred and trained each one of its nationality to become the greatest warriors the ancient world had violently practical. But what about hard by that. What happened meeting Alexander the great and the mighty roman empire? That ' s what this article talks about.

Greece before the eleventh century was the core piece of the Byzantine empire. But this began to change in the 13th century when Constantinople was captured in the 4th investigation by the invading Latins. Though the Byzantines are able to eventually take back their city the area remains a battleground. Especially with the prosperity of the Ottoman Turks.

The Ottoman Turks begin to advance into the Balkans and Greece is rapidly coming into the sights. However reprieve comes when the ottomans are attacked by the Mongols to the east. When the Ottoman empire once again begin to move into the Balkans and Greece falls under their reign and it is the Hungarians who step up to hold them back.

The Greeks were able to claim their independence in 1821. Before this there were dozens of schemes especially from wealthy families trying to take steal Greece from oppression. A group of Greeks in the Russian port of Odessa on the coast of the Dead Sea however work on a grander scale as they march south with as an army with Russian support. In march 25 of 1821 inspired by this army led by Alexandros Ypsilantis Greece rises as one despite the fact that the expedition failed. The ottomans respond quickly but are baffled by the guerrilla tactics of the Greeks.

The Greek revolutionists are not only outnumbered but also to make matters worse fight amongst themselves. The revolution looks most bleakest when a large army from Egypt comes to help the Ottomans. However even this army and navy are unable to completely stop the Revolution.

England is very impressed by Greece and the foreign minister of Britain is very impressed by Greece. So England with the help of Russia and France bring together a large navy to help Greece. Originally the purpose of the fleet was merely to scare the ottomans however instead they engage the ottoman fleet and win a large victory sinking 60 ships and killing 8000 enemy troops with little losses. This is the turning point for the Greeks.

Though the war lasts 5 more years Greece does become a nation of itself and its first king is a seventeen year old boy Otto of Bavaria. Though for the most part Otho ' s ( can be spelled Otto Otho or Othon but usually Otho in English ) reign is a good one. But the beginning and end are not so good. Though he accepted a constitution he continuously tries to bring Greece back to an Autocracy and he is eventually disposed of.

The next king is a Danish prince and he is crowned George I. George ' s first priority is bringing all that was once Greece back under Greek control. In a way he continues the Greek war for independence. He is able to take several of the Greek islands as including Crete as well as Macedonia to the north. He does this through a mixture of war and politics.