Thursday, September 13, 2012

History of Kabbalah Abraham

Abraham was a single from the parlous primary Kabbalists, some 3800 caducity ago. As the ancient Midrash ( writings that examine the Hebrew Bible in well-lighted of the spoken tradition ) tells us, Abraham lived in Mesopotamia, inside city of Ur of the Chaldees, and as all humans of Mesopotamia, he worshiped the sun, the moon, the stones, and and the trees. But one day he began jar:? How was the world created? Why does every concern? wheel? around us? What generates the flow of life??

As he investigated these questions, he realized that qualified is totally a pattern to life? s flow, that fact has a dawn and an point, and a sequence of generate and effect. Eventually, he discovered that practiced is certainly 1 Exceeding Constraint that sets existent in flow, an inclusive fury of Nature that governs everything and brings about everything that exists,? the Creator.?

Throughout his investigations with the Upper Force, Abraham was guided by a Kabbalistic guide written by his predecessor. Long prior to Abraham, a man named Adam had also discovered the Upper Force and had written a book about it known as Raziel HaMalach ( The Angel Raziel ). This guide was passed down from Adam to subsequent generations, and 20 generations later it reached Abraham. Based on Adam? s work, Abraham advanced the wisdom of Kabbalah, added his own observations to it, and wrote a considerably advanced book termed Sefer Yetzira ( The Guide of Creation ). Here is an excerpt:

? The Divine force established its rule, might, eternity and unity through thirty - two secret paths from the descending Upper Light and concealed itself in three categories: The e book, the story - teller plus the story.? Sefer Yetzira ( The Publication of Creation ), 18th century B. C. E., the abridged version, Part 1, 1.

This e book was written within the technical Kabbalistic language, complete with drawings and charts that graph the interaction between the primary force in the universe, the Upper Force, and its parts. It also describes how all these parts interconnect. It uses a simple set of interactions, in a systemized way, explaining the system from the higher forces, their hierarchy, and also the way they give rise to our globe. This is why Abraham named this publication? The Publication of Creation.?

Abraham ' s School of Kabbalists

Ancient sources narrate that Abraham did not stop with personal attainment, but decided to organize a school. Why? Because he felt that there were quite a few other individuals who also wanted to discover the Upper Force.

The ancient Midrash tells of how Abraham sat by his tent, inviting in the Bedouins who passed by. He served them food and taught them the methodology he revealed, the program he termed " Kabbalah. " He showed them this wisdom? s possibilities and what it gives to a human being. Eventually, the students he taught formed a group of Kabbalists? people who perceive and attain the Upper Force.

According to its aspiration toward the Upper Force, this group was later named Israel ( pronounced Yisra - el ) - a combination of two words: Yashar ( straight ) and El ( Creator ), namely,? straight to the Creator.?

Over centuries, this group grew to the size of a nation, even though? nation? is not genuinely the correct word to use here.

Kabbalah is a very powerfull system of controling your mind and entire body and one can use it to discover peace and harmony in ones life. numerous persons have found Kabbalah being a spiritual awakening that they are already looking for their whole lifes. Should you would like to discover much more about Kabbalah it is possible to go to: http: / / www. rootlight. com